1.WINTER – Yeshua (Jesus) returned to Nazareth and taught in their synagogue – Lesson 1
2. Yeshua sent out the twelve two by two with power (dynamis) and authority (eksousia) – Lesson 1
3. Yeshua taught in nearby towns – Lesson 1
4. SPRING – Yochanan the Immerser was beheaded by Herod – Yeshua and the twelve regroup and sail to to a secluded place near Bethsaida Lesson 1
5. Yeshua fed 5,000 – Lesson 2
6. Yeshua walked on water – Lesson 2
7. Yeshua taught in Capernaum – Lesson 3 & Lesson 4
8. SUMMER – Yeshua took disciples to the district of Tyre & Sidon and delivered daughter of Syrophoenician woman – Lesson 5
9. Yeshua took disciples down to region of the Decapolis and healed deaf dumb man – Lesson 5
10. Yeshua fed the 4,000 – Lesson 5
11. Yeshua returns to Galilee – Lesson 6
12. AUTUMN (FALL) Yeshua goes to Jerusalem for Sukkot (the Festival of Tabernacles) – Lesson 6 – Woman caught in adultery – Lesson 7 – Teaching in the Temple –Lesson 8 & Lesson 9 – Giving sight to man born blind – Lesson 10 – and more Teaching in Jerusalem – Lesson 11
13. Yeshua returned to Bethsaida and healed a blind man – Lesson 12
14. Yeshua took His talmidim north to Caesarea Philippi (the Gates of Hell) to prepare them for leadership- Lesson 12
15. Yeshua took Kefa, Yochanan and Ya‘akov up a high mountain and was transfigured –Lesson 13
16. Yeshua delivered boy, father “help me in my unbelief” – Lesson 14
17. Walking to Capernaum, teaching on death and resurrection – Lesson 14
18. Temple tax fish, Teaching – avoid snares, reconcile brother, authority – Lesson 14 & Lesson 15